133 Search Results

Re-orientating capacity building efforts in response to COVID-19

…been pushed back to later this year and into 2021. Climate negotiators from developing countries and those supporting them are having to adjust to working remotely – which has created a new set of challenges. Developing countries do not have high speed fibre optic broadband, enough bandwidth, reliable connectivity and unlimited personal data allowances. These are the things that have…

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…ensuring the Paris Agreement delivers its goal Continued visible climate leadership by climate-vulnerable countries in global processes Climate-vulnerable country negotiators have enhanced capacity to advocate for themselves to secure climate finance New chairs equipped to help their groups develop clear negotiating positions and drive the outcomes they seek Enhanced coordination and collaboration amongst negotiators, with new / stronger progressive alliances…

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Loss and damage explainer (Briefing paper 1/2023)

Legal Response International (LRI)

 In the climate change context, “loss and damage” does not have an agreed definition. It is generally understood as irreversible or residual results from climate change impacts where adaptation is no longer possible. Sea level rise, tropical storms, floods, droughts, wildfires, etc. are examples of impacts that can lead to loss and damage. The concept refers to both economic and

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Opportunity Fund: Call for Proposals

…support projects between £20,000 and £100,000. All prospective activities must be submitted via an application form, which is available to download below. Successful proposals will be delivered by the applicant, who will be contracted by DAI. Eligibility Criteria for the Opportunity Fund (your organisation must meet all the criteria): Be a company or organisation that is legally registered, or is in the…

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