133 Search Results

Small island nations call for deep reform of climate finance

…their commitments and formulate a new global financial goal commensurate with the new global realities.”   “The international community (should) create the enabling environment for us to climb to greater heights and achieve our ambitions. It’s important that we continue to collaborate with each other and that the large emitters and developed countries continue to work with SIDS to address…

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Now on mobile app: Guide to the Paris Agreement

The updated 2020 edition of the Guide to the Paris Agreement by Oxford Climate Policy and ecbi has now been made into a mobile phone app! The app aims to make it easier for negotiators and other climate policy-makers to access and understand the content of the Paris Agreement in these virtual times.   The ‘ Guide to the Paris…

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New climate science guide for Small Island Developing States

This guide distils and presents the key findings of the IPCC’s Special Report on the Ocean and Cryosphere in a Changing Climate for the express purpose of briefing policy-makers from SIDS and pointing them to key headlines from this latest scientific assessment. Small Island Developing States are responsible for a tiny percentage of global greenhouse gas emissions, but have a…

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LDC and AOSIS Chairs speak out: latest IPCC reports confirm extent of climate losses  

…Diouf Sarr  When it comes to ways of getting commitments on these four areas, Ambassador Webson pointed towards the need for new thinking that cuts through: “These issues of scale and balance must be bridged with both traditional and innovative financial instruments, including those that create fiscal space such as the ‘debt for climate’ swap and the issuance of bonds….

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The 2023 UN Climate Change Conference (COP 28)

The ​2023 UN Climate Change Conference COP 28 will be held in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, from November 30 – December 12, 2023. The 28th Conference of the Parties (COP28) unites nations, experts, and stakeholders worldwide to deliberate on climate action. Building on prior conferences, this year’s event aims to concretely advance global efforts outlined in and take stock of the progress…

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