133 Search Results

Green economic stimulus packages can bend emissions curve post COVID-19

A new analysis by the Climate Action Tracker suggests that governments can take advantage of strong future economic and climate change performance if they adopt green stimulus packages in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Conversely, if governments don’t roll out low carbon development strategies and policies – or roll back existing climate policies – in response to the coming economic…

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Delay to climate meetings cannot mean any delay to ambition

…it must be seen as an opportunity to scale up ambition and reset economies on to a more sustainable pathway. Hon. Mr. Wangdi tweeted: “COVID-19 demands flexibility and new ways of working but climate action must continue.” He emphasised the need for rich countries to meet their commitments to get US $100 billion per year flowing in climate finance, and

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Island States, sinking in debt, urge climate action

…Small Island Developing States will continue to limp from one crisis to the next, as their economies, land mass and populations shrink, driving poverty higher and human development outcomes lower. Ms Dukharan further endorsed the AOSIS call for a “SIDS Compact”, backed by developed nations, which will incorporate the tailored solutions needed to address the debt crisis comprehensively, such as…

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Joint statement of Small Island States and Least Developed Countries at Climate Week 2020

The Alliance of Small Island States (AOSIS) and Least Developed Country (LDC) Group have issued a joint statement at Climate Week 2020, calling for ‘committed and inspiring leadership’ of COP26 and pledging their own continued resolve to promote climate ambition the world over. 25 September, 2020 – AOSIS and the LDC Group representatives met on 25 September on the margins…

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Options for the post-2025 climate finance goal – online event, Thurs 10 December

and qualitative elements of a new climate finance target and taking into account lessons learnt from the USD 100 billion commitment. Speakers at the webinar include: Lena Katzmarski, GIZ; Raju Pandit Chhetri, Prakriti Resources Centre; Sven Harmeling, CARE International; Michel Köhler, the greenwerk. Moderation: Björn Dransfeld, the greenwerk You can join the online seminar >> here >> Image: building water tank, courtesy World Bank…

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