133 Search Results

Pocket Guide to the UNFCCC

European Capacity Building Initiative

This Pocket Guide summarises the main provisions of the UNFCCC’s 26 Articles. It aims to look both forwards and back, outlining the origins of key clauses and drawing out the elements of current significance. The Guide is intended to allow for a better understanding of the existing rules, institutions, and procedures under the current climate change regime.

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Pocket guide to gender equality under the UNFCCC

European Capacity Building Initiative

The Pocket Guide to Gender Equality provides negotiators with a brief history of the climate negotiations on gender, a ready reference of the key decisions that have already been adopted, and a brief analysis of the outstanding issues from a developing country perspective. The Guide also highlights the gender linkages across different themes including mitigation, adaptation, and technology development and

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Young people are doing things their own way: view from Sudan

…with the aim “to amplify youth voices and to engage young people in an open and transparent dialogue as the UN gears up to raise ambition and accelerate action to tackle the climate emergency.” Ms Elsaim, the outspoken young Sudanese woman at the group’s helm, has used her new-found platform to engage with older political leaders on the climate diplomacy…

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What is a multidimensional vulnerability index and how could it help SIDS?

…even harder for them to achieve their potential for sustainable and resilient development. https://www.youtube.com/embed/Ek6D7qJqO3o H.E. Courtenay Rattray, High Representative for the Least Developed Countries, Landlocked Developing Countries and Small Island Developing States (UN-OHRLLS) discusses SIDS’ vulnerabilities SIDS continue to advocate against the use of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) as the sole criteria to access any form of international support. Baroness Patricia…

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Incoming Chair of Least Developing Country Group urges society-wide climate ambition

…are part of the solution. We need to find a way to bring government, civil society and private sector together.” Ms Sarr also noted that intensive informal consultations that took place before and during COP26 on the Global Stocktake (due for completion in 2023). The Stocktake is a process to aggregate and report on countries’ collective progress on meeting the…

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