This study investigated the specific needs and gaps across SIDS for information about climate change risk, resilience and adaptation. It aims to inform this evolving knowledge architecture for and by SIDS.


The Opportunity Fund is a flexible and responsive source of finance to provide grants for activities that support CASA’s objectives, enhance ambition and bolster South-South support and cooperation.

Opportunity Fund: Call for Proposals
Measuring adaptation and resilience: An annotated bibliography

A wealth of measurement ideas, tools and metrics have emerged in the past two decades to understand and track progress on adaptation and resilience. This annotated bibliography by ODI and CASA presents a range of important references in the field, to inform negotiators and technical advisors involved with developing the framework for the Global Goal on Adaptation in the Paris Agreement, as part of UNFCCC processes, but may also be a useful resource to climate practitioners more broadly.


Strengthening capacity for fair and inclusive negotiations

Climate Change

The ​2023 UN Climate Change Conference COP 28 will be held in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, from November 30 – December 12, 2023. The 28th Conference of the Parties (COP28) unites nations, experts, and stakeholders worldwide to deliberate on climate action, and take stock of the progress on the Paris Agreement.

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The Climate Ambition Support Alliance seeks to strengthen the capacity and support the engagement of climate-vulnerable countries in international climate negotiations.

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Resources for climate negotiators

Curated by a team of climate policy experts, we present a set of open access resources and tools to equip climate negotiators for navigating the UNFCCC process.

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New to UNFCCC?

If you are new to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) then these key documents are a great place to start exploring what you need to know.

Understanding the Paris Agreement

The Pocket Guide to the Paris Agreement provides negotiators with an overview of the 2015 Paris Agreement. This Guide is meant as an essential companion for government and non-government participants in the Paris Agreement negotiations.

The ‘rulebook’ for implementing the Paris Agreement (Katowice Climate Package)

This paper presents the most important decisions made in the Paris Rulebook, particularly on the elements of the implementation guidelines and the political compromises between states on them.

How much climate finance is in the pipeline

Climate Funds Update is an independent website that provides information and data on the growing number of multilateral climate finance initiatives designed to help climate-vulnerable countries address the challenges of climate change.

What the UNFCCC says about adaptation

Many of the concepts and metrics around adaptation in the UNFCCC lack clear definition. This guide provides a brief history of the global community’s response to adaptation under the UNFCCC since 1992.

Women’s leadership in the UNFCCC

The Pocket Guide to Gender Equality provides negotiators with a brief history of the climate negotiations on gender, a ready reference of the key decisions that have already been adopted, and a brief analysis of the outstanding issues from a climate-vulnerable country perspective.

Becoming a UNFCCC delegate

This toolkit is intended to help new delegates, in particular from the Least Developed Countries, navigate the UNFCCC negotiations. It focuses on the process rather than the content of negotiations, and offers some practical tips for getting through the days (and nights).


The CASA programme offers a variety of support to climate-vulnerable country negotiators. Examples include introductory training to the UNFCCC, pro bono legal advice, more advanced negotiator training and training on NDC enhancement.

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