133 Search Results

Innovative finance sources: A complement to strong country contributions for GCF replenishment?


This paper considers alternative sources of finance that have the potential to play a significant role in increasing the pool of climate finance available to the Green Climate Fund (GCF). The authors suggest that the GCF put in place a work plan to properly address new sources of finance beginning in 2020.

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Provisions for Support to LDCs: Facilitating the implementation of the UNFCCC and the Paris Agreement


This resource contains a collection of briefs on the ways Least Developed Country (LDC) Parties engage in the UNFCCC process. The toolkit is designed to help new LDC negotiators build their knowledge about their commitments under the UNFCCC process, and gives an overview for national stakeholders who are not necessarily involved in the negotiations process of support mechanisms established for

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Understanding the UNFCCC
Rebecca Byrnes, Stella Gama, Mamadou Honadia, Bubu Pateh Jallow, Marek Soanes, Priyanka Teeluck, Janna Tenzig

Strengthening Nationally Determined Contributions to Catalyze Actions That Reduce Short-Lived Climate Pollutants

World Resources Institute: Publications

Short-lived climate pollutants (SLCPs) are highly potent pollutants that include methane, hydrofluorocarbons, black carbon, and tropospheric ozone. Early and ambitious action to reduce SLCPs is essential for keeping global temperature rise to within 1.5C above pre-industrial levels. This paper presents a set of options for how targets, policies, and actions on SLCPs can be incorporated in new or updated NDCs.

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Thomas Damassa, Taryn Fransen, Andrew Light, Eliza Northrop, Katherine Ross, Alexander Tankou, David Waskow

Interpretation of Article 9.1, Paris Agreement


Article 9.1 of the Paris Agreement states “Developed country Parties shall provide financial resources to assist developing country Parties with respect to both mitigation and adaptation in continuation of their existing obligations under the Convention“. This resource answers two questions: Does Article 9.1 of the Paris Agreement create a new financial obligation or does it confirm the existing ones under…

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Loss and Damage at COP25 – a hard fought step in the right direction

Climate Analytics

This blog from CASA partner Climate Analytics summarises the loss and damage negotiations at COP25. The Review of the Warsaw International Mechanism for Loss and Damage (WIM), undertaken at COP25, was an opportunity for a stronger commitment for action and support, including new and additional finance, capacity building and technical support. Long intense negotiations and a united position among developing…

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Loss and damage
Dawn Pierre-Nathoniel, Linda Siegele, Le-Anne Roper, Inga Menke