133 Search Results

COVID-19 another shock for vulnerable countries facing multiple crises

…of the world’s least prepared for the virus’ spread. These examples are a reality check of how vulnerable we really are. The coronavirus pandemic has forced vulnerable communities to deal with compounding crises concurrently. Implications for LDC graduation A dozen LDCs are due to graduate from the “least developed” category by the middle of this decade and six more were close to meeting…

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2020 is a pivotal year for climate – UN Chief and COP26 President

This article first appeared on the UNFCCC website and is syndicated here with kind permission from the UN Climate Change News team. UN Climate Change News, 9 March 2020 – In a briefing last Friday to Member States about the UN Climate Change Conference COP26, taking place in Glasgow in November, UN Secretary-General António Guterres called 2020 “a pivotal year…

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Loss and damage at COP25 – a hard fought step in the right direction

A new blog from CASA partner Climate Analytics gives an overview of the loss and damage negotiations at COP25. Loss and damage has been a topic of discussion at the annual UN climate change conferences (COPs) since a work programme on loss and damage was established nearly a decade ago, with successes such as the 2013 establishment of the Warsaw…

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Background paper highlights role of science in UN climate negotiations

A new paper from the International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED) assesses how science has guided UN climate negotiations so far and identifies what role the scientific community can play in the future. Governments first agreed to initiate a coordinated global response to climate change in 1992. Mounting scientific evidence showed that human activities had caused global temperatures to…

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Goals, targets and indicators for climate change adaptation and climate-related disaster risk reduction: A comparison across international agreements

Overseas Development Institute (ODI)

This handout presents a range of resilience and adaptation-relevant targets and indicators that countries are already reporting on or preparing to report on, for:  The Paris Agreement  The Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction The Sustainable Development Goals (Agenda 2030) The New Urban Agenda The SIDS Accelerated Modalities of Action (SAMOA) Pathway The Kunming-Montreal Post-2020 Biodiversity Framework. These targets and indicators are important because Parties to the…

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