133 Search Results

The road to COP27: an AOSIS view

We spoke with Ambassador Webson, Chair of the Alliance of Small Island States (AOSIS) to get his thoughts on the new IPCC reports on adaptation and mitigation, his priorities this year, and what a good COP27 in November 2022 looks like for the Small Island Developing States. In this conversation we explored the clear need for a dramatic shift in…

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AOSIS Chair COP27 statement: “Failure on Loss And Damage Fund is a failure for the world”

…tirelessly this year to build consensus, devise a clear loss and damage response fund proposal, and ensure the commitment of the international community to come to COP27 and negotiate on this issue in good faith. Now, we are here, and some developed countries are furiously trying to stall progress and even worse, attempting to undermine small island developing States. So,…

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Ineza Grace of Youth Coalition: Loss & Damage Finance must be on COP27 agenda

…gas emissions and the reality shows who is vulnerable. It is really painful to see those who should be taking responsibility and ownership are shying away. We are common people, we have a common planet, and we are [in this] together. That will only be possible if climate change is addressed to its full scope – to meet the needs…

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In conversation with Ambassador Felson, AOSIS, on climate ambition

…– which was devastated by a hurricane – to the new location at Belmopan in 1970.  Small Island Developing States (SIDS) like Belize are “the proverbial canary in the coalmine,” she reflects. “We recognise that what happens to us will eventually happen to everyone” and ” we can be incubators of some of the solutions that the world may need.”…

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Becoming a UNFCCC delegate: what you need to know


Attending UN climate negotiations for the first time is daunting. With so many meetings happening in parallel and using unfamiliar jargon and acronyms, the UNFCCC process is notoriously complex. This toolkit is intended to help new delegates, in particular from the Least Developed Countries, navigate the session. It focuses on the process rather than the content of negotiations, and offers…

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