133 Search Results

Least Developed Countries (LDC) Group reacts to COP27 outcomes

…can effectively respond to the needs of our communities in addressing loss and damage caused by climate change.” “The transitional committee established here must immediately start the work to design an effective operational modality for the loss and damage fund as an operating entity under the financial mechanism of the Convention and the Paris Agreement, with the provision of new,…

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Boosting resilience after Covid-19: Aligning climate and trade strategies for LDCs

…these instruments require some adaptation in order to meet the LDCs’ pressing development needs, compounded by the challenges of climate change. In particular, graduating LDCs face the removal of special trade treatments, and a consequent blow to their most promising export-orientated industries. The loss of important markets or imposition of new tariffs will compound the huge economic shock of Covid-19….

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Small Island Developing States (SIDS) Voices at COP27

…Developing States’ needs for finance, technology transfer and capacity-building. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FJL8zIDOPlQ Angelique Pouponneau Meanwhile, as COP27 delegates negotiate funding for vulnerable countries to rebuild their societies resiliently following climate-related loss and damage, AOSIS encounters unhelpful resistance. Policy Advisor Michai Robertson explains, in this short clip: https://youtu.be/uYU7QSDYcDQ These interviews were recorded in Sharm El-Sheikh on 11-12 November, at the end of the…

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Enhancing NDCs: A Guide to Strengthening National Climate Plans by 2020


This report aims to help government officials identify options for enhancing Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) in line with the Paris Agreement. It offers guidance on establishing a process for NDC enhancement, enhancing mitigation and adaptation components of NDCs, and communicating NDCs transparently. Additionally, it reflects on aligning NDCs with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), and on the role of finance…

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Taryn Fransen, Ichiro Sato, Kelly Levin, David Waskow, David Rich, Sadya Ndoko, Julie Teng

Pocket Guide to Capacity Building for Climate Change


…negotiations on capacity building under the UNFCCC, while providing a wider perspective on capacity building as an element of global cooperation. It is a reference to the key decisions that have already been adopted, and gives a brief analysis of how capacity building efforts can be made more effective in the future, including under the Paris Committee on Capacity Building….

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