133 Search Results

Enhancing ambition in NDCs – a case study of climate leadership

…the discussions over the weekend in New York was on how countries can do more. For me, one of the observations coming out of the Climate Summit was around climate leadership and what we really mean by this. The Climate Summit saw various announcements by countries but when it comes to the crunch, what is really needed is leadership by…

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High Ambition Coalition Statement sets out commitments for a green recovery

Calling an ambitious recovery from COVID-19 that sets the world on a path to limiting global warming to 1.5 C “both possible and necessary,” the High Ambition Coalition (HAC) has released a raft of economic and environmental commitments to guide its members’ own economies through a resilient recovery, and provide a benchmark for their international peers. The HAC’s Statement on…

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Champions Group on Adaptation Finance launched

…to get $100 billion per year in climate finance flowing to developing countries by 2020. This commitment was updated in the Paris Agreement of 2015 to specify that half of climate finance must be channeled to adaptation. Not only does the latest OECD data show that countries have failed to meet the $100 billion target; but only 20% of climate…

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Pre-COP26 youth event in Milan scheduled for September 2021

…at COP26. Applications are now open for young people to join the special youth pre-COP event – apply here. Applications to participate in the ‘All4Climate’ pre-COP Summit for all age groups close on the new deadline of 15 June 2021 – apply here. Original reporting by Charlie Zajicek. Updates and editing by Mairi Dupar. Photo by IISD/ENB | Kiara Worth…

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