133 Search Results

UNFCCC considering multiple scenarios to get climate talks and collective action back on track

…2019, but left much unfinished business. This included the crunchy issue of how Article 6, the functioning of carbon markets, would work.  Furthermore, in this year when the Paris Agreement comes into force, countries need to show they are complying with the “commitments that were made [on] the pre-2020 agenda” Ms Espinosa said – reminding developed countries of their promises…

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Climate ambition must align with ambitious COVID-19 recovery

…the Biden administration to begin rebuilding the trust of the international community by demonstrating immediate and tangible US re-commitment to climate action while tackling the fallout from the COVID-19 pandemic. Yet, while major economies discuss 10-digit recovery packages, many developing countries are pleading to multilateral financing institutions for support, demonstrating the inequality in capacity to address the consequences of the COVID-19 crisis. Concerted international…

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Adapting to climate change in the Caribbean: Expert viewpoint from Donovan Campbell

…with these communities, meaningful engagement built on the co-design and co-implementation of ideas should be at the forefront. When working with indigenous communities, everything needs to be done collaboratively and their autonomy should always be respected. When you are talking about national development planning and progress, you have to respect the rights of how indigenous communities choose to live and

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CASA Opportunity Fund


The CASA Opportunity Fund is a flexible and responsive source of finance available to all eligible organisations to provide grants for activities that support the programme’s objectives and enhance ambition and bolster South-South support and cooperation. The Opportunity Fund seeks to support projects between £ 20,000 and £100,000. The deadline for applications is Thursday, February 29, 2024….

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Championing continuity for graduating LDCs: ensuring a smooth transition for climate adaptation


…change impacts. The trajectories of countries like Angola and Bhutan, which are set to graduate in the next two years, offer an insight into the complex challenges caused by the loss of LDC benefits. This case study outlines the opportunities and risks faced by graduating LDCs and offers solutions for ensuring a smooth transition in their climate adaptation efforts. https://www.iied.org/21881iied…

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Bernardo, C., Yassin, L., Gebreyes, B.