Climate Week event 2020: Charting new paths for climate and trade policy

Public event
Streamed live online
22 September 2020 15:00 – 16:30 GMT+1 (BST)
Fiona Harvey @fionaharvey – Environment Correspondent, The Guardian
Archie Young @archieyounguk – UK Lead Climate Negotiator COP26
H.E. Chad Blackman @BajanDiplomat – Ambassador, Permanent Representative of Barbados to WTO and Chair of the WTO Environmental Committee
Sonam Phuntsho Wangdi @LDCChairUNFCCC – Chair of the Least Developed Countries Group, United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCC)
Emmanuel Guérin – Executive Director for the International Group, European Climate Foundation
Jodie Keane @KeaneJodie – Senior Research Fellow, International Economic Development Group, ODI
The negotiations for COP26 were always going to be tough, but the need to secure more ambitious nationally determined commitments now comes at a time of profound economic turmoil within the global economy due to Covid-19.
On the one hand, there are concerns that efforts to address climate change will receive less priority as efforts to reboot economies dominate. On the other hand, efforts to build back better can address both climate and trade-related vulnerabilities. International trade has a powerful role to play. But divergences between the climate, trade and development communities must be bridged.
During Climate Week NYC 2020, we bring together climate and trade negotiators to discuss what’s on the negotiating table at COP26, the trade related implications and how development friendly outcomes can be secured.