Opportunity Fund: Call for Proposals

The window for applications is now open as of June 2nd, and closes on August 18th 2023.
On May 19, 2023, the Climate Ambition Support Alliance (CASA) announced the launch of Opportunity Fund biannual funding round to finance activities that support a fair, inclusive, and ambitious negotiation process in the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) through meaningful participation of climate vulnerable country negotiators, upholding the objectives of the Paris Agreement and Glasgow Pact in relation to mitigation, adaptation and finance. The window for applications is now open as of June 2nd, and closes on August 18, 2023.
CASA is a £9.5m UK Department for Energy Security and Net Zero funded programme implemented by DAI Global UK Ltd. The programme aims to support developing country negotiators to have increased capacity and negotiation groups to have improved and sustained institutional capacity to influence the enabling environment of international climate change negotiations and take transformative actions to confront the impacts and risks of climate change.
We are particularly interested in receiving applications that:
- Enhance coordination and collaboration amongst negotiators and strengthen progressive alliances
- Generate products that support countries to develop capacity at the institutional, policy and legislative levels to implement the goals of the Paris Agreement
- Support climate vulnerable country negotiators to access best practice resources, funding, and knowledge exchange to implement UNFCCC agreements.
About the Opportunity Fund
The Opportunity Fund is a flexible and responsive source of finance available to all eligible organisations to provide grants for activities that support CASA’s objectives. The Fund has two funding rounds per year; Q2/3 (to coincide with the UNFCCC Bonn Intersessional) and Q4/Q1 (to coincide with the UNFCCC COP). All prospective activities must be submitted via an application form, which is available to download below.
Successful proposals will be delivered by the applicant, who will be contracted by DAI.
Eligibility Criteria for the Opportunity Fund (your organisation must meet all the criteria):
- Be a company or organisation that is legally registered, or is in the process of legal registration, in its main country of operations
- The Applicant has the financial management and technical capabilities to implement the project
- The Applicant organisation has been operational for at least 3 months prior to applying for the programme
- Minimum of eight years’ project delivery experience within the proposed delivery team
- The proposed project has considered potential risks, and provided clear risk management approach
- The proposed project’s environmental impacts are minimum or non-existent.
Information session for the CASA Opportunity Fund Call for Proposals
DAI held an information session on May 26th at 1500 BST. The session will cover the application process, eligibility criteria, and timelines, followed by a Q&A session.
For more information please contact the programme team on casaopportunityfund@casaclimate.org
*This post was first published on May 19, 2023 and updated on June 2, 2023 to announce that the window for applications is now open from June 2nd until August 18th, 2023.
Dear Colleagues am very interested to participate and I missed attending an information session on the Fund on May 26th training sessions virtually
I Would like you to share with me Application guidance’s specially in the amount of budgeting required per Applicant NGO and duration of Implementation activities by Applicant NGO
Executive Director
Lower Shabelle region- Southwest state Somalia
Thank you for your query. Please address your questions via email to: casaopportunityfund@casaclimate.org. Our team will get back to you with relevant information.