Curated by a team of climate policy experts independent of government, this set of resources aims to equip climate negotiators with key knowledge and tools to navigate the UNFCCC process. Choose specific UNFCCC subjects to browse. All resources link to original files, which are free to access. These resources do not represent the views of the partners or the programme, nor are they endorsements of content. These resources were in many cases developed with funding external to the CASA programme. Read the Glossary of terms.
Goals, targets and indicators for climate change adaptation and climate-related disaster risk reduction: A comparison across international agreements
Overseas Development Institute (ODI)
This handout presents a range of resilience and adaptation-relevant targets and indicators that countries are already reporting on or preparing to report on, for: The Paris Agreement The Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction The Sustainable Development Goals (Agenda 2030) The New Urban Agenda The SIDS Accelerated Modalities of Action (SAMOA) Pathway The Kunming-Montreal Post-2020 Biodiversity Framework. These targets and indicators are important because Parties to the Paris Agreement are discussing how to develop a framework to measure progress against the Global Goal on Adaptation (GGA). The comparison of targets and indicators across international agreements highlights the efforts countries are already making, and how the GGA process… Read more »
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